Choosing the Right RV for Your Family

Shopping for a new RV is very fun, but it can also feel overwhelming. After all, this is a big decision for you and your family. When choosing the right RV for your family, you have to consider lifestyle, trips you plan to do, and even how often you’ll be using your RV. All of these factors will help you narrow down your search to find the ideal travel home for you. So, keep reading for the top three things to keep in mind when picking your family’s RV. 

1. Consider the Cargo Capacity

Before you even start thinking about the type of RV, you have to think about cargo capacity. This is the amount of weight you can add to the rig. Include things like filling up your water tank, keeping a full fridge, the weight of your thing, and so forth. 

This isn’t a big deal if you only plan to use your RV for close-by campsites. But if you plan to take long trips, you need to know your cargo capacity to the tee. Ideally, if you’re looking to go full-time in your RV, you want one with a capacity of at least 3,000 pounds or even over 4,000 pounds if you have a large family. 

2. Pick the Type Of Rig

There are many types of RVs, such as drivable or towable. The Drivable RV or motorhome makes it really easy to travel. Everyone can use the bathroom while driving, making traveling with kids very easy. A drivable RV is more expensive and might have a limited floor plan.

You can choose between a towable RV or a travel trailer. They have more flexibility in terms of floor plans and setups. These are great for anyone thinking about full-time living in their RV. Still, travel days mean you’ll have to pack up everything and get the car ready so that can be more stressful. 

3. Don’t Forget the Tow Vehicle

Lastly, even if you choose a motorhome, you’re still going to need a tow vehicle or second vehicle for driving around town. If you’re choosing a towable RV, you’ll need a car that has high payload capacity, rear axle capacity, and can handle plenty of weight. Spend time looking for the perfect tow vehicle which can make or break your trip. 

Geraldine Orentas is a writer from Happy Writers, Co. in partnership with Checkworks personal and business checks.

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